The Orange Squash | Aberystwyth Squash Leagues run on a month to month basis and are open to all ages and abilities, we run our leagues on the popular platform Squash Levels with players moving up and down the leagues depending on their league results that month.
You need to be registered and logged in to have full use of the boxes otherwise you will not be able to see player contact details or enter your results. You don't need to be a premium member though - basic access is free and is sufficient to fully participate in the boxes.
If you are logged in you can update your contact details via the links in the diagonals of your box. If you haven't added any contact details yet, there is an Add contact details link next to your name but you can also use the Update link in the box diagonals at any time.
To add a result, click on the either of the + links in the appropriate location in your box and a new page will open. Enter your results into this page and click on the Enter match results button to save them and return to the boxes page. You do need to be logged in for this or ask your club admin to do it for you.
Once your results have been entered they will be included in the level processing which will calculate a level for you as long as you have played someone who already has a level of their own. If not, your level will be calculated once your opponent has one or you play someone else who has one.
If you have a '*' by your name then you are in danger of being removed (dropped) from the boxes next time round because you haven't played enough matches yet. The '*' will disappear once you have entered enough results.
Matches are first to 11 points, best of 5 games and point a rally scoring, please use the correct ball based on your ability; we recommend a single yellow dot for club players or a red dot ball for complete beginners. When inputing your score please add your game scores so as example 11/5, 11/5, 11/5 and the system will update the 3-0 match score and add up your points for you in the box leagues, if you play all your matches in one month then you will receive two bonus points. (match result and points example below)